Awareness Videos
Elephant Riding in Sri Lanka
The truth behind elephant riding in Sri Lanka.
A True Elephant Sanctuary
This video helps tourists identify a true elephant sanctuary. It has also been used to show riding establishments ways they can transform their ‘business model’ from a riding camp to a sanctuary.
Short documentary by Elemotion Foundation about the Ganga, the temple elephant in Colombo capital.
Life Size Baby Elephant Painting
An art project by Mayuka Thais sponsored by Elemotion Foundation to raise awareness.
Project Videos
Orphan Vibhi
The story of Elemotion Foundation’s first orphan, Vibhishana.
Baby Elephant Bath
Update from June 2014, watch Vibhi and the other orphans take a bath in the Udawalawe reservoir.
Orphan Vibhi update- April 2013
Checking in on our little guy.
Orphan Vibhi update November 2013
Checking in on our growing boy.

Elephant Tourism in Asia
General information about common elephant tourism practices seen in many Asian countries, how to help, and tips for tourists.Â

Elephant Tourism in Sri Lanka
Originally designed for the Animals Asia Conference 2014, this brochure gives information about common elephant tourism activities in Sri Lanka and our ‘Go Wild!’ recommendation.Â

Udawalawe National Park
Designed for visitors entering Udawalawe National Park, located in southern Sri Lanka. As part of the jeep safari, it informs tourist about the park’s history, wildlife, and rules/regulations.